To help nurse assessment coordinators and facility staff improve their confidence in managing PDPM, AAPACN’s PDPM Game Plan delivers 80+ pages of interactive, downloadable tools, checklists, and resources all in one convenient PDF resource.

Put these tools to work for you today!

  • PDPM Calculation Worksheet to guide you in the determination of HIPPS codes
  • Interrupted Stay Policy Tracking tool to help you and your team track interrupted stays and ensure correct billing for days not covered by Medicare
  • PDPM Case-Mix Group Conversion to HIPPS Characters Tool to help you gather the HIPPS characters under each payment group for the HIPPS code you’ll need to identify a SNF resident’s payment classification
  • Tools and considerations for when to complete an interim payment assessment (IPA)
  • Top five mistakes made when assigning ICD-10-CM codes in the SNF so you can avoid them
  • PDPM Admission Checklist Tool to help you collect information needed at the time of admission
  • Tools to help you audit billing and reimbursement
  • Detailed review of the risk of payment penalty for late or missed assessments under PDPM

Updated November 2023

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