On-Demand Webinar: Effective Resident Weight Loss Management

Recorded On: 02/16/2023

Significant unplanned weight loss in a resident can be a challenging clinical concern that requires collaboration from the interdisciplinary team to manage.

During this 60-minute webinar, AAPACN Curriculum Development Specialists, Denise Winzeler, BSN, RN, LNHA, DNS-MT, QCP-MT and Jessie McGill, RN, RAC-MT, RAC-MTA, will discuss approaches to manage resident weight loss, improve the accuracy of MDS coding for changes in weight, and develop a care plan to address weight loss. In addition, they will explain how significant unplanned weight loss can adversely impact quality of care issues for the resident as well as public reporting of the Quality Measures.

After participating in this session, learners will be able to:

  • Apply steps to manage significant unplanned weight loss in a resident
  • Identify the steps for assessment to accurately code weight on the MDS
  • Understand the methodology of the MDS 3.0 Quality Measure, Percent of Residents Who Lose Too Much Weight
  • Recognize areas affected by significant unplanned weight loss

1.0 contact hour will be awarded for this continuing nursing education activity. Learners must view at least 80% of the entire video and complete the associated evaluation to receive the contact hours. No partial credit will be awarded. Contact hours will be awarded for this activity until February 16, 2026.

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