On-Demand Webinar: MDS Updates and Regulatory Considerations - Antipsychotics

Recorded On: 03/30/2023

MDS changes coming this October include the expansion of the pharmacological classes of medications in section N and a new column for indication of use for each drug type. These changes are directly connected to the federal regulations for unnecessary medications and antipsychotic use, and to the new schizophrenia audit.

During this 60-minute webinar, AAPACN Curriculum Development Specialists, Denise Winzeler, RN, BSN, LNHA, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, and Jessie McGill, RN, RAC-MT, RAC-MTA, discuss how to prepare for success with these updates by establishing systematic approaches to monitor appropriate medication use, and ensure accurate MDS coding and sound documentation to support diagnoses. 

After participating in this session, learners will be able to:

  • Identify the new medication classes and indication for use items that will be added to the MDS, effective Oct. 1, 2023
  • Recognize the connection between coding indication of use of medications and current regulatory requirements
  • Implement a systemic approach to maintain compliance with regulatory requirements

1.0 contact hour will be awarded for this continuing nursing education activity. Learners must view at least 80% of the entire video and complete the associated evaluation to receive the contact hours. No partial credit will be awarded. Contact hours will be awarded for this activity until March 30, 2026.

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