On-Demand Webinar: Resident-to-Resident Altercations
Recorded On: 05/30/2024
- Non-member - $48
- Member - $24
Unfortunately, resident-to-resident altercations can and do occur in nursing facilities. These altercations are sometimes deemed an abuse situation. When this occurs, facility leadership must know the actions to take once the altercation has been de-escalated. During this 60-minute webinar, AAPACN Curriculum Development Specialist, Denise Winzeler, RN, BSN, LNHA, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, will discuss steps leadership must take to investigate after the event and what to do with the information to prevent further altercations from occurring again in the future.
After participating in this session, learners will be able to:
- Understand why thorough investigations of resident-to-resident altercations are necessary
- Learn five steps to conduct a thorough investigation
- Understand how to complete follow-up after the investigation to prevent further occurrences
1.0 contact hour will be awarded for this continuing nursing education activity. Learners must view at least 80% of the entire video and complete the associated evaluation to receive the contact hours. No partial credit will be awarded. Contact hours will be awarded for this activity until May 30, 2027.
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