RAC-CTA Course - Medicare Part B Therapy for the Advanced Medicare Specialist

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Upon completion of this course, the participant will be able to:

  • Examine and discuss the requirements for qualified therapy under Medicare Part B
  • Explain the requirements for therapy documentation under Medicare Part B
  • Describe the basics of Part B therapy billing and how it differs from Part A billing
  • Detail the basics of the Part B therapy review process
  • Discuss how Part B therapy affects resident outcomes

The course was written by Judy Wilhide Brandt, RN, BA, CPC, RAC-MT, DNS-CT, Liz Barlow, BSN, RN, CRRN, RAC-CT, DNS-CT, and Mark McDavid, OTR, RAC-CT.

3.48 contact hours will be awarded for this continuing nursing education activity. Learners must complete the entire education activity and associated evaluation to receive the contact hours. No partial credit will be awarded. Contact hours will be awarded for this activity until March 1, 2027.

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Failure to complete all required product components before the product expiration date may result in permanent deletion of data pertaining to the product, including but not limited to product progress and exam results. Product expiration dates can be found on your learner dashboard.

AAPACN’s learning management system is designed to reset progress data when completion requirements are unmet, allowing learners to repurchase/restart educational content.

Components visible upon registration.