Workshop Information

Program Information

Your registration always includes:

  • Multiple days of live instruction from a Master Teacher
  • Access to course materials and additional resources used during the workshop
  • Registration for the final certification exams required to earn the credential

Once you've completed the workshop, you'll be prepared to take the exams required to earn the certification. You will access these exams through your Learner Dashboard. To earn the credential:

  • Click the "Enroll" button on your My Certifications dashboard for the certification program you are working to earn, so your progress is tracked as you complete exams.
  • You must take and pass the associated certification exams and pass each with a score of at least 80%. Each exam includes three attempts to pass.

Nursing Continuing Education Hours

The American Association of Post-Acute Care Nursing (AAPACN) is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. AAPACN’s live workshops are approved for the following continuing education hours (CEs):

  • RAC-CT: 22.5
  • RAC-CTA: 22.5
  • DNS-CT: 22.5
  • QCP: 15.0

AAPACN works in conjunction with the National Association of Long-Term Care Administrator Boards (NAB) to provide nursing home administrators with continuing education credit for the following AAPACN live workshops:

  • RAC-CT
  • QCP

Workshops held in specific states may be approved, through the hosting Training Partner, to offer additional continuing education hours or credits. See the individual workshop description for state-specific information.

Completion Requirements

CEs are based upon actual attendance for the duration of the scheduled educational activity, verified through sign-in reports. If a student must leave before the activity is scheduled to end or is late arriving, he/she will not receive full CE credit, however, partial credit may be awarded.

Each attendee, based on attendance, will receive a CE certificate upon completion of the education activity. This certificate will be available through their Learner Dashboard.

The final certification exams are not a requirement for claiming a CE certificate for the workshop.

Cancellation Policy

The Training Partner may cancel or postpone a workshop at any time. In the event of a cancellation, AAPACN will contact attendees and make a reasonable effort to find an acceptable substitute by rescheduling attendee’s registration or providing an on-demand, self-study alternative. AAPACN will refund an attendee’s registration fees if a substitution cannot be provided.

AAPACN and the Training Partner are not responsible for any fees incurred due to cancellations or postponements.

Attendee cancellations must be submitted in writing via email to Registrants who are unable to attend may send a substitute in their place. Cancellations received more than 30 business days prior to the start date of the workshop will receive a full refund. Cancellations received 14-30 business days prior to the start date of the workshop will receive a full refund, minus a $250 cancellation fee. No refunds will be issued for cancellations received 13 or less business days prior to the start date of the workshop except for emergencies or a visit from State Surveyors. No refunds will be issued for cancellations due to weather if the workshop itself is not cancelled.


Commercial support provided to AAPACN or the Training Partner has in no way influenced or biased the content of the educational activity. AAPACN does not endorse commercial products or services within the education program. No AAPACN Master Teacher has any conflicts of interest to disclose.
