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Contains 2 Component(s)
Representative data of NAC average completion times for the MDS by assessment type and the time factors affecting accurate MDS assessment.
The AAPACN Nurse Assessment Coordinator Work Study and Salary Report provides representative data of NAC average completion times for the MDS by assessment type and the time factors affecting accurate MDS assessment. This report also provides insight into factors impacting NAC compensation, including salary or hourly wages, facility characteristics and size, geographic location, and education. This report enables facility leaders to reduce turnover, improve recruitment, and staff appropriately.
- Non-member - $66
- Member - $33
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Contains 2 Component(s)
Outline of knowledge needed for proficiency in the DNS role within Long-Term Care
AAPACN’s Body of Knowledge for the Role of Director of Nursing Services in Long-Term Care is an essential reference for facility managers and a must-have guide for DONs who wish to further their expertise and career in the LTC nursing field. The Body of Knowledge guide identifies, defines, and measures the core competencies required of DNSs practicing in SNFs. Organized by seven standards and competency domains, the Body of Knowledge guide outlines the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for successful accomplishment of the tasks related to each domain.
Use the Body of Knowledge guide to:
- Successfully hire and train your facility’s next DNS
- Learn what you need to know to fulfill your role as a DNS
- Demonstrate your competencies as a DNS to staff and superiors
Developed and reviewed by more than a dozen nurse leader experts, the 46-page PDF download includes a comprehensive DNS career map.
- Non-member - $41
- Member - Free!
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Contains 2 Component(s)
Resources and tools you need to start and maintain an effective restorative program in your facility
The risk for functional decline in long-term care residents is a serious issue that often leads to falls, pressure ulcers/injuries, weight loss, depression, and other negative outcomes. To ensure quality outcomes and to comply with federal regulation, nursing facilities must have a comprehensive and effective restorative program that encourages each resident’s highest level of function. However, many facilities struggle to implement and manage any consistent restorative program. AAPACN’s Guide to a Successful Restorative Program will provide the knowledge and tools you need to start and maintain an effective restorative program in your facility with ease and confidence.
*Updated May 2024.
Use the Guide to Successful Restorative Programs to:
- Identify and overcome barriers to effective restorative programming in your facility
- Select appropriate candidates for restorative programming
- Recruit available resources in your facility, such as a program lead, activities director, and more
- Write restorative programs with measurable goals
- Analyze resident performance for effective periodic evaluations
The Guide to Successful Restorative Programs includes:
- Interactive PDF manual
- Tools and algorithms to help you initiate your program
- Comprehensive examples of restorative goals, interventions, evaluations, and care planning to adapt to paper or electronic software
- Additional resources to help you create the best restorative program and maintain it successfully in your facility
- Non-member - $116
- Member - $58
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Contains 2 Component(s)
Interactive, downloadable tools, checklists, and resources to develop, implement, and monitor your PDPM transition plan and continue to support your PDPM success well after implementation
To help nurse assessment coordinators and facility staff improve their confidence in managing PDPM, AAPACN’s PDPM Game Plan delivers 80+ pages of interactive, downloadable tools, checklists, and resources all in one convenient PDF resource.
Put these tools to work for you today!
- PDPM Calculation Worksheet to guide you in the determination of HIPPS codes
- Interrupted Stay Policy Tracking tool to help you and your team track interrupted stays and ensure correct billing for days not covered by Medicare
- PDPM Case-Mix Group Conversion to HIPPS Characters Tool to help you gather the HIPPS characters under each payment group for the HIPPS code you’ll need to identify a SNF resident’s payment classification
- Tools and considerations for when to complete an interim payment assessment (IPA)
- Top five mistakes made when assigning ICD-10-CM codes in the SNF so you can avoid them
- PDPM Admission Checklist Tool to help you collect information needed at the time of admission
- Tools to help you audit billing and reimbursement
- Detailed review of the risk of payment penalty for late or missed assessments under PDPM
Updated November 2023
- Non-member - $126
- Member - $63
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Contains 15 Component(s), Includes Credits
Education sessions recording bundle from the AAPACN 2023 Live Virtual Conference - MDS Updates Prep and Polish
Experience the expert guidance and information from the AAPACN 2023 Live Virtual Conference - MDS Updates Prep and Polish as a recorded bundle packaged for learning on-demand. The bundle compiles the five education sessions from the live virtual event, including the closing panel discussion featuring an unscripted Q&A with the session speakers. The recordings are a compilation of voice over PowerPoint and audio recordings from the live sessions - all accessible in your AAPACN Learner Dashboard for up to one year.
The AAPACN 2023 Conference - MDS Updates Prep and Polish Recording Bundle provides the opportunity to earn up to 5.0 ANCC continuing education hours (CEs) for viewing all five recorded sessions. Learners must view at least 80% of the entire video and complete the associated evaluation to receive the contact hours. No partial credit will be awarded. Contact hours will be awarded for this activity until August 23, 2026.
Session titles are as follows:
- Prep and Planning: Social Determinants of Health
- Section GG - What’s New and How to Implement Workflow Changes
- Prepare for MDS Changes: Resident Voice, Scripted Interviews, and Care Planning
- Are You in the KNOw About MDS Changes?
- Oct. 1 MDS Changes Panel Discussion with Live Q&A
Product Data Disclaimer
Failure to complete all required product components before the product expiration date may result in permanent deletion of data pertaining to the product, including but not limited to product progress and exam results. Product expiration dates can be found on your learner dashboard.AAPACN’s learning management system is designed to reset progress data when completion requirements are unmet, allowing learners to repurchase/restart educational content.
- Non-member - $423
- Member - $212
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Contains 17 Component(s)
Sixteen sessions from the AAPACN 2024 Conference packaged into a recorded bundle for on-demand learning.
Experience the best of the AAPACN 2024 Conference. The AAPACN 2024 Conference Recording Bundle includes 14 education sessions and two general catalyst sessions featuring LTPAC subject-matter experts bundled into a recorded package for on-demand learning. Session recordings are a compilation of audio and video recordings from the live session, plus any Q&A that followed – all accessible in your AAPACN Learner Dashboard for up to one year.
The general catalyst sessions included are as follows:
- Outlook and Mega Trends for Successful Skilled Nursing Providers | Mark Parkinson, President and CEO, American Health Care Association
- Reigniting the Passion for LTC Nursing | Jack York, Founder and Chief Storyteller, TaleGate, LLC., and Amy Stewart, MSN, RN, DNS-MT, QCP-MT, RAC-MT, RAC-MTA, Chief Nursing Officer, AAPACN
The education sessions included are as follows:
- The Person Behind the Number
- Practical Strategies for Managing Behavioral Health Needs of Nursing Home Residents
- Ten of the Most Confusing MDS Coding Questions
- Significant Change in Status: Quality Measures/Staffing Without Section G
- Better Audit Outcomes Start with Solid Documentation
- PDPM (Lost?) Opportunities—Looking Back, Looking Forward
- Stay Ahead of Evolving QRP Requirements Through Data Analytics
- An Effective QAPI Program – How Do You Know?
- Conducting PDPM Audits
- The Ugly Truth About Care Area Assessments
- HIPPS Analysis: Your Roadmap to ADR Success and Denial Prevention
- ICD-10-CM Coding Basics
- Running with SNF VBP: Do You Have the Right Gear?
- Non-member - $398
- Member - $199
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Contains 16 Component(s), Includes Credits
Twelve sessions from the AAPACN 2024 Quality Virtual Conference packaged into a recorded bundle for on-demand learning.
The AAPACN 2024 Quality Conference Recording Bundle includes 10 education sessions and two panel discussions featuring subject-matter experts bundled into a recorded package for on-demand learning. Session recordings are a compilation of audio and video recordings from the live virtual session, plus any Q&A that followed – all accessible in your AAPACN Learner Dashboard for up to one year.
In addition to two panel discussions, the ten education sessions included are as follows:
- Quality Measures Unveiled - A Crash Course
- MDS Coding as It Impacts the Quality Measures
- The Role of Diagnosis and ICD-10-CM Coding in Quality Measures
- Five-Star – A Focus on the Quality Measure Domain
- Discharge Function Score
- Growing Together With the SNF QRP
- Skilled Nursing Facility Value-Based Purchasing (SNF VBP) Expansion
- VBP Road Map: Clear Directions to Health Equity Adjustment
- Discharge Planning: A Care Plan for Home!
- QAPI in the SNF: Using QM Data in Your QAPI Program
The AAPACN 2024 Quality Conference Recording Bundle provides the opportunity to earn up to 12.0 ANCC continuing education hours (CEs) for viewing all twelve sessions. Learners must view at least 80% of the entire video and complete the associated evaluation to receive the contact hours. No partial credit will be awarded. Contact hours will be awarded for this activity until November 8, 2027.
Stacy Grondel, BSN, RN, RAC-MT, QCP, CMAC
Director of Reimbursement Operations
Brickyard Healthcare
Stacy is the Director of Reimbursement Operations. She has more than 19 years' experience in long-term care and is recognized for her expertise in the RAI process, audits, appeals, clinical processes and clinical reimbursement. Many of the nurses she has trained have gone on to become trainers, regional consultants, company leaders and experts in the field. She assisted in forming an MDS Council in Utah to help troubleshoot issues and educate MDS nurses. Stacy loves the RAI process and the MDS. She finds great joy in teaching others the value of the MDS nurse role and how it can impact the lives of the residents they serve. Stacy has served on the AAPACN Expert Advisory Panel since August 2019 and has been instrumental in continuing innovation and quality in the long-term care industry. She has a passion for caring for the elderly and improving the quality of care.
Director of Education
Hansen Hunter & Co.
Carol Maher is a Board Certified Gerontological Registered Nurse who has worked with the MDS since its inception. Carol is an AAPACN Master Teacher for the RAC-CT and RAC-CTA certification classes. She is also a Certified Professional Coder (CPC) who has maintained her certification with continuing education and provides ICD-10-CM training to SNF clients across the country. Ms. Maher has authored and recorded the AAPACN ICD-10-CM Coding Certificate Program for SNFs Plus ICD-10-CM for PDPM and HCPRO’s MDS 3.0 Field Guide. Ms. Maher is the Director of Education for Hansen Hunter & Co., providing MDS and Medicare classes across the country, presenting monthly educational webinars and completing compliance audits.
Jennifer LaBay, RN, RAC-MT, RAC-MTA, QCP, CRC
Curriculum Development Specialist
Jennifer is a curriculum development specialist with AAPACN. She has been involved in the RAI process since 1997 and has been in the post-acute care arena since 1991 serving in a variety of capacities including CNA, charge nurse, MDS coordinator, and regional corporate clinical reimbursement specialist. Jennifer has considerable expertise in the MDS 3.0 and RAI process, the prospective payment system (PPS), and ICD-10, including the clinical and financial aspects.
Tammy Cassidy, RN, BSN, BC, LNHA, RAC-MT
Senior Practice Director
Engage Consulting
Tammy Cassidy is a registered nurse with over 29 years of experience in long term care, specializing in MDS and clinical quality. She is also a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator and former CMS DAVE2 surveyor. Tammy understands not only the clinical quality aspect of long-term care, but is also a valuable regulatory, risk management, and financial asset for your organization. She is frequent speaker offering education for many organizations including the Ohio Health Care Association, Leading Age, The Academy of Senior Health Sciences, and the American College of Health Care Administrators on topics related to clinical quality, risk management, and reimbursement. She is the proud recipient of the 2017 ACHCA Educator of the Year award.
Judy Wilhide Brandt, RN, BA, RAC-MT, RAC-MTA, QCP, CPC, DNS-CT
Wilhide Consulting
Judy Brandt brings over thirty-five years’ combined experience to the long-term care industry, with over twenty years in positions of increasing responsibility in nursing facilities as a nurse manager, executive, and consultant. She has been a State surveyor and RAI manager for the Commonwealth of Virginia. She has assisted providers and the United States government as a legal expert in Medicare and Medicaid fraud cases, and other various government initiatives. She often serves on Independent Review Organization (IRO) teams for corporate integrity agreements (CIA) for skilled nursing facilities.
Judy is a past Chair and founding member of the Nurse Assessment Coordination Expert Advisory Panel, and professional coder, competent in assigning CPT, HCPCS, and ICD-10. She is a certified director of nursing services (DNS-CT) and a quality assurance performance improvement (QAPI) certified professional (QCP). She is also the principal for Wilhide Consulting, Inc. and serves as an advisor, auditor, and trainer for multiple providers from standalone communities to multi-state chains across the country.
EVP of PAC Regulatory Affairs and Education
Broad River Rehab, AAPACN Education Foundation Board Chair
Joel is a veteran of Long Term Care and is currently the EVP ofPAC Regulatory Affairs and Education at Broad River Rehab serving facilities inthe midwestern and eastern US. Joel began his career in LTC as an MDScoordinator and worked for many years as the Director of Clinical Reimbursementand RAI for a group of nursing facilities in the southeast. Joel hascontributed to McKnight’s LTCNews and the AANAC LTC Leader. He has contributed to the NAC CHAT and ASHAVoices podcasts. He serves on the board of the AAPACN Education Foundation andthe AAPACN Expert Advisory Pannel. Joel presents nationally on all subjectsrelated to LTC regulation, the MDS and clinical reimbursement.
Robin L. Hillier, CPA, LNHA, RAC-MT, RAC-CTA
RLH Consulting, AAPACN Board Member
Robin is the president and owner of RLH Consulting, which has provided reimbursement, operational, and accounting consulting to long-term care providers since 1998. She is also co-owner of Lake Pointe Rehabilitation and Nursing Center in Conneaut, Ohio, and Quality Life Services, a home healthcare agency in southwestern Ohio. She is a certified public accountant, a state-tested nurse aide, a licensed nursing home administrator, and Resident Assessment Coordinator-Certified and a Master Trainer through AANAC. She is a member of the AANAC Expert Advisory Panel.
Robin has almost 30 years’ experience in cost reporting, rate setting review and analysis, and reimbursement consulting and representation for skilled nursing facilities and ID/DD providers.
Prior to starting her own businesses, Robin worked for several multi-facility long-term care providers and regional accounting and consulting firms. She held a variety of positions in accounting, reimbursement, finance, and operations.
Robin received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration (BSBA) with a major in Accounting from Bowling Green State University in 1986 and has worked exclusively in long-term care throughout her career. She is a member of the Ohio Health Care Association, the American Health Care Association, the American Health Lawyer’s Association, the American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordinators, the American Institute of Certified Public Accounts, and the Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants.
Jessie McGill, RN, BSN, RAC-MT, RAC-MTA
Curriculum Development Specialist
Jessie is a curriculum development specialist for AAPACN. Previously Jessie worked as the director of clinical reimbursement for a large long-term care organization overseeing 17 clinical reimbursement consultants across 21 states including nearly 300 living centers. She has more than 17 years of long-term care experience including restorative nurse, MDS coordinator, regional clinical reimbursement specialists, clinical reimbursement trainer, and director of clinical reimbursement. Jessie is passionate about developing the skills of nurse assessment coordinators, restorative nursing, and improving residents’ quality of life and care.
Maureen McCarthy, RN, BS, RAC-MT, QCP-MT, DNS-MT, RAC-MTA
President, CEO
Celtic Consulting, AAPACN Board Chair
Maureen is the President and CEO of Celtic Consulting, a post-acute care consulting firm; and is the CEO of MDSRescue, which provides remote MDS completion services for facilities nationwide. She is a registered nurse with nearly forty years of work experience, including direct patient care, positions held as an MDS Coordinator, Director of Nursing, Rehab Director, and Medicare biller. Maureen combines clinical expertise with regulatory acuity to assist clients with developing sustainable remediation plans.
Maureen serves as the Medicare & MDS 3.0 Advisor for several state affiliates, is advisor to the Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC-J13), the Chair for the Board of Directors of the American Association of Post-Acute Care Nursing (AAPACN) and Immediate Past Chair and member of the Expert Advisory Panel at AAPACN. She serves as the Chair of the Education Committee for the American College of Health Care Administrators (ACHCA), and on the Clinical Practice Committee and Reimbursement Committee for the American Health Care Association (AHCA).
Beckie Dow, RN, RAC-MT, CHC, CPC-A
Clinical Reimbursement Specialist
Maine Veterans’ Homes
Beckie has over 25 years of long-term care experience and she has served in many roles in long-term care, including Clinical Reimbursement Specialist, wound team leader, staff education coordinator, and as a past member of the Clinical Committee of the American Health Care Association for two years. Beckie is passionate about Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement (QAPI) and believes in teaching the principles of the process to foster positive patient outcomes, not just paper compliance. Beckie has worked the RAI process since 1997, and is able to use her knowledge and experience to teach students how this process, when worked correctly, will foster resident-specific care planning. Beckie has taught the AANAC MDS 3.0 RAC-CT course across the United States for over ten years. She has also been a speaker for a number of prestigious associations, including the New England Alliance and Association of Rehab Nurses (ARN), Florida Association Directors of Nursing Administration/LTC (FADONA), and Maine Health Care Association (MEHCA), the AANAC Annual Conference, and has been a contributor to the AANAC publication, LTC Leader.
- Non-member - $698
- Member - $349
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Contains 2 Component(s)
Application for appeal to an AAPACN decision.
In the case of extenuating circumstances, you do have the option to submit a formal, written appeal to the AAPACN Member Experience Team to request an exception to the certification policies.
To submit your appeal application:
- Click the "register" button at the top of this page to create a new application.
- Download the Appeal Application document from the "Application" tab.
- Fill out the form and save a copy on your computer.
- Return to the Appeals Application in your Learner Dashboard and submit the document for review.
- Open the application product.
- Click the “Submit Appeal Document.”
- Confirm the “Upload A File” option is selected, then click in the grey Upload box to browse your computer for your file.
- Once the completed form is uploaded successfully, click the “Submit” button.
You have 15 days to submit your application. AAPACN staff will review and respond to you within two business days.
- Non-member - Free!
- Member - Free!
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Contains 19 Component(s)
Guidance to assist with preparation and compliance ahead of March 24, 2025, survey changes.
The Appendix PP Regulatory Updates – March 2025 on-demand workshop will assist nurse leaders with preparation and compliance ahead of the March 24, 2025, survey changes. This on-demand workshop includes a series of 18 short learning modules providing guidance, as well as action steps and resources specific to each regulatory change. Nurse leaders can use this resource to educate staff and assist with maintaining compliance.
- Non-member - $198
- Member - $99
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Contains 2 Component(s)
The At-a-Glance QM, QRP, and VBP Measures Tool organizes all of the Quality Measures for you.
With so many Quality Measures originating from three different payment initiative programs, it’s a lot to keep track of. AAPACN’s At-a-Glance QM, QRP, and VBP tool organizes all of the measures for you. This tool has been updated with the MDS 3.0 Quality Measures User’s Manual Version 17.0 (January 2025), the Five-Star Quality Rating System Technical User’s Guide (January 2025), the FY 2025 Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) Prospective Payment System (PPS) Final Rule, and the QSO-25-1-NH memo.
- Non-member - $23
- Member - Free!
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